There is the simultaneous exploration
of the mundane and the phantasmal, the ridiculous and
the horrific. The seduction and intimacy offered by
these images, far from being repellent, actually invite
acquisition by providing a perfect frame for private
fantasy. Ray calls himself a `surface painter`, subscribing
to an enjoyment which does not presume to judge. Incidents
of illogical violence scattered over the surface of
a painting therefore metamorphose into decorative detailing,
finding complete acceptance in our minds. A perfect
example is the series of four ice-cream sticks, from
his solo show `Syrup`, each of a different flavour,
each offering an incitement to a different dream, graphically
described in iridescent water- colours.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2007 ‘I Fear, I Believe, I Desire’, Gallery
Espace, New Delhi
2004 ‘For The Future XI’, Sakshi Gallery,
2003 ‘Fractured’, Gallery Espace, New Delhi
2000 Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
1999 ‘S.M.T.W.T.F.S’, Nazar Art Gallery,
1998 ‘Syrup’, Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
1995 Eicher Gallery, New Delhi
1994 Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
1993 Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
Selected Group Shows
2005 ‘KAAM’ Arts India, New York
2003 Gallerie 88, Kolkata
2002 ‘New Indian Art : Home-Street-Shrine-Bazaar-Museum’,
Manchester Art Gallery, London
2002 ‘Kapital and Karma’, Kunsthalle Wien,
2001 ‘In Conversation’, Gallery Espace,
New Delhi
1997 ‘Private Languages’, Pundole Art Gallery,
Joint Exhibitions
2006 with Dilip Ranade, Pundole Art Gallery, Mumbai
2001 With Debnath Basu, Pundole Art Gallery, Mumbai
Honours & Awards
1999 Sanskriti Award, Government of India

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