1952-56 Diploma in Fine Arts, Govt. College of Art
& Craft, Lucknow. 1956-57 Post-Graduate Diploma,
Paintings and Sculpture, Govt. College of Art, Lucknow.
1954 Solo exhb., Kashmir Boat Club, Kashmir. 1955,
57 Solo exhb., Govt. College of Art and Craft, Lucknow.
1972 Exhb. of the Uttar Pradesh Artists, New Delhi.
1973 The Inter State Exchange Exhb., Hyderabad. 1975
Solo exhb., Lalit Kala Akademi, Lucknow. 1980 Solo exhb.,
Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi. 1987 Invited to participate
in the 15th International Exhb., Japan. 1987 Solo exhb.
in Kashmir. 1987 National Exhb., Madras, Bhuveneshwar,
Patna and New Delhi. 1988 Invited to participate in
Second International Asian European Art Biennale, Ankara.
1989 Exhb., Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Calcutta.
1993 Solo exhb., ABC Gallery, Benaras.
Lalit Kala Akademi, Lucknow and New Delhi. Govt. House,
Uttar Pradesh, Hariyana and New Delhi. Academy of Fine
Arts, Kolkata. Children Museum, Lucknow. Ravindralaya,
Lucknow. Allahabad Museum, Allahabad. Hyderabad Museum,
Hyderabad. Mysore Museum, Mysore. Deoria Museum, Deoria.
National Akademi of Administration, Mussorrie. National
Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. Narendra Dev Library,
New Delhi. Delhi Art Gallery, New Delhi.
1959 Silver Medal, All India Dusehra Exhb., Mysore.
1960 1st Prize All India Dusehra Exhb., Mysore. 1961,62
Gold Medal, All India Dushera Exhb., Mysore. 1963 Silver
Medal, Academy Of Fine Arts, West Bengal, Calcutta.
1970 1st Prize, Gandhi Shatabdi Exhb., Lucknow. 1975
Silver Medal, U.P. Artists Association, Lucknow. 1976
Awarded at Academy of Fine Arts, West Bengal, Calcutta.
1977 Awarded at All India Exhb., Lalit Kala Akademi,
Lucknow. 1979 Awarded at All India Exhb., Academy of
Arts, Amritsar, Punjab. 1986 Awarded at U.P. State Lalit
Kala Akademi, Lucknow. 1990 Awarded at all India Ramayana-Mahabharat
Exhibition. 1990-91, National Award, Central Lalit Kala
Akademi, New Delhi.
Arya is purely an artist of Indian ethos, culture
and customs. He has perfected the difficult technique
of watercolour so well that he became the lone exponent
of the wash medium and imagery of the Neo-Bengal School
in Uttar Pradesh. The impact of colour in his wash paintings
is vibrant and pulsating with life. Wash painting has
been defined as a poem in line and colour. Hence poetic
effects are heightened by the use of hazy lines and
colour. The tones of colour when superimposed on one
another, promote phantasmagoria of colourful shades,
ennobling and uplifting its appeal. His romantic imagination
has fancifully sought abode in myths and legends as
well as the usual ways of expression in various festivities,
celebrations and other cultural traits of Indian life.
Head of the dept. of Fine Arts, Govt. College of Art
and Craft, Lucknow.

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