1926-30 Studied at Govt. College of Arts & Craft,
Calcutta. 1930-32 Student of D.P. Roychoudhury, Govt.
College of Art & Craft, Madras. 1932 He came back
to Calcutta and was especially trained by Atul Bose.
1933 Group exhb., `Rebels`, Calcutta. 1933-38 Participated
in the Academy of Fine Arts Exhb., Calcutta (Also at
1948,58). 1936 All India AIFACS Exhb., New Delhi. 1936
Exhb. at Fine Arts Society, Madras. 1943 Exhb. of Bengal
Famine, Calcutta. 1948 Indian Art Exhb., Singapore.
1950,51 Solo Show, No. 1 Chowringhee Terrace, Calcutta.
1950 Participated in joint show of `Calcutta Group`
and `Bombay Progressive Group`, No. 1 Chowringhee Road,
Calcutta. 1953 Group show of `Calcutta Group`, New Delhi.
1955 Solo exhb. at the Artistry House, Calcutta. 1958
Solo exhb. at the Doon School, Dehradun. 1969 `Fine
Arts Mission`, Calcutta Information Center, Calcutta.
1980 Solo exhb. at Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta (Also
at 1986,88). 1983,95 Exhb. at Art Heritage, New Delhi.
1992 Solo exhb. at Rembrandt Art School, Begumpur. 1993
Solo exhb. at Nandan, Kala Bhavan, Santiniketan. 1994
Retrospective of Paintings, Rembrandt Art School, Begumpur.
1994 A Retrospective, Birla
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. Academy
of Fine Arts, Calcutta. Birla Academy of Art and Culture,
Calcutta. Gajah Art Gallery, Singapore. Scottish Church
College, Calcutta. Burdwan Queen, Burdwan. High Court,
Calcutta. Sanjoy Bagoria, Calcutta. Anand Agarwal, Calcutta.
Nabyendu Chatterjee, Calcutta. Calcutta Information
Center, Calcutta. Justin Marx, Indian Contemporary Art
Specialist. Rabindra Bharati University Museum, Calcutta.
Mr. P.N. Talukdar, Chairman, Hindustan Lever, Calcutta.
Maisadal Rajbati (State) West Bengal. Delhi Art Gallery,
New Delhi.
1936 First Prize, Madras Fine Arts Society. 1936 Silver
Medal, Delhi Fine Arts Society. 1936,37 Received cash
award, Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta. 1945 Silver Medal,
Progressive Writers & Artists Association, Calcutta.
1980 Felicitation by Lokachitra Kala, Calcutta. 1981
Felicitation by Govt. of West Bengal, Calcutta. 1983
First Prize, Academy of Fine Arts, Madras. 1984 Received
`Abanindra Puraskar`, Govt. of West Bengal. 1985 Received
cash prize Rs. 10,000, Art Heritage, for his significant
contribution to Contemporary Indian Art, New Delhi.
1985 By the order of the Govt. of India, Bombay Film
Company made film of the artist and his Famine Series
paintings of 1943. In the exhb. of the London Art Festival,
the film was highly praised. 1988 Silver Plaque, AIFACS,
New Delhi. 1994 On his 87th birthday, Rembrandt Art
School organised a felicitation programme in his honour.
1994 `Bleeding in the Sun`, is the documentary film
made on him by Nabyendu Chatterjee. 19
He is primarily known for natural and other sceneries
in Oil. In his early life his works showed the influence
of the academic style but later was attracted towards
impressionism and this led to a creation of an individualistic
style of his own, which has many charming facets but
most characterised by simplified folk forms and figures
evoked in naive or steady thick outlines in a space
daubed with dashes and small patches of opaque paint.
1953-55 Professor, Indian College of Art and Draughtmanship,
Calcutta. Examiner, Faculty of Visual Art, Rabindra
Bharati University, Calcutta.

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