

Artist Profile |
Asma Menon - an artist
living and working in chennai was born in chennai in
1961, she is a BSC graduate from the Visual communication arts and crafts,Chennai. She has done her
Masters (M.A) from Fine arts, govt .college arts &
crafts,Chennai .
Address : J35A, 1st Floor, 7th Street, Anna Nagar (East)
Chennai - 600 102.
Email -
Ph - 044-26223324
Group Exhibitions In India
- 2005 Quatro - 4 Artists of Chennai- Art World-
- 2004 - Contemplations- women artist of India-Gallery
Sara Arakal, Bangalore and Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
Feminine Eye- Gallery Sara Arakal, Bangalore.
- 2003 - Chennai Artists-Forum Art Gallery-Chennai-
Inaugural Art Show-Gallery Sara Arakkal-Bangalore-
Anniversary Art show- Art World- Chennai.
- 2002 - Annual show of the Cholamandal Artist Village
as an Invitee- Chennai • Save the Child curated
by Gallery Beyond-Mumbai • Affordable Art -
Vinyasa. Art Gallery - Chennai. Of Gods Goddesses
and Birds - Lakshana art gallery - Hyderadad.
- 2001 - Affordable art show-Vinyasa Art Gallery-Chennai
• 3Women artists-Cymroza Art Gallery-Mumbai
• International Women’s Day- Olga Okuneva
and Asma Menon-Russian cultural center-Chennai •
Works On Paper-Art resource Trust- Mumbai •
Regional Art exhibition-Kerala lalit kala akademi-Cochin
• Ceramics and Works on paper- Art World- Chennai
• 3women artist-Triveni art gallery-New Delhi.
- 2000 - The Adyar Art Club, Chennai • Working
Artists, Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai.
1999 - Art in Spring, Cymroza Art Gallery - Mumbai
• Masters in Fine Arts, Lalit Kala Akademi -
Chennai • Jehangir Art Gallery - Mumbai •
One Evening Show, Max Mueller Bhavan - Chennai •
Millennium Show of Artists around the country - Vinyasa
Art Gallery - Chennai.
- 1998 - State Department for The Visual Arts, Chennai
• 3 Women Artists of Chennai - Art World - Chennai
• National Exhibition - New Delhi •Southern
Stars - Art World - Chennai.
- 1997 - All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society, Chennai
• Regional Exhibition, Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai
• All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society,
National Show - Delhi • 50 Years Of Indian independence
, Exhibition On Human Form and Art - Chennai •
The Times of India, Cochin - Kerala.
- 1996 - Cymroza Art Gallery, Bombay • The Regional
Exhibition - Lalit Kala Akademi - Chennai •
The Sixth Biennial Of Art - Bharat Bhavan - Bhopal
• The Values Art Foundation - Chennai •
State Department for The Visual Arts Exhibition -
Lalit Kala Akademi - Chennai • The Gallery,
- 1995 - State Department for the Visual Arts Exhibition,
Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai - The Gallery, Chennai.
Workshops/ Education
- 2004 - Substitute Art Teacher for the last quarter
at the American International School Chennai for the
elementary school level. Also a substitute teacher
since 2003 at AISC. The Painted Canopy for young designers-12
to 15years - British Council- Chennai in conjuncture
with their Global/Local fashion exhibition at the
Forum Art Gallery -Chennai.
- 2003- Poster workshop- for the transsexuals of Chennai-
Aravanigal Empowerment- Solutions- Aids prevention
and control project and Dorcas Research Centre- Chennai
- 2002 - Rotar Club Pondicherry "Art Beat"
Children's workshop. First Year post graduate students
of fine arts- Stella maris college- Chennai. Workshop
on creative expression, which leads to an installation
of boxes depicting each student's ethos of work •
Potter Around - Children's workshop on collage •
Genis Art Foundation and Asma Menon- Childrens workshop
on Art, Craft and Theatre. Club Mahindra - Children's
workshop - Munnar, Karala.
- 2000 - Collage, Colour and Storytelling, Genesis
Art Foundation, Chennai • Lecture of World Art
Improvisation Exercises for the Doctors & Technicians
of Jeevan Blood Bank and Lister Laboratories •
Workshop for children-Gallery Sumukha-Bangalore •
Workshop for Children - BOW - WOW club - Chennai •
Side and lectue on Southern art trends - Apparao Galleries
- Chennai.
- 1999 - Exploring of Colour & Space through Storytelling,
British Council, Chennai • Lecture Demonstration
for cable (Jaya TV) on the etching process.
- 1997 - Conducted Children's "Paint The Wall"
workshop at Max Muller Bhavan, Chennai.
- 2002 - Women Acheivers Awards, National Publicity
Project. Winner for the category of Visual Arts, Ladies
Circle India, Chennai.
- 2001 - State Award For Print Making - Senior Category.
- 1997 - All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society
Award of Golden Jubilee of India's Independence -
State Level, Chennai.
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