1959-76 National Annual Exhibitions, Rabindra Bhavan,
Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi. 1961 Solo exhb., Jehangir
Art Gallery, Bombay. 1963 Solo exhb., Book Bay Gallery,
Wisconsin, USA. 1967-68 Solo exhb., Taj Art Gallery,
Bombay. 1969 5th International Young Artists` Exhb.,
Tokyo, Japan. 1969-70 Man and His World, Indian Pavilion,
Montreal, Canada. 1969 Art of India and Iran, USA. 1970
Indian Painters, Gallery Coray, Zurich, Switzerland.
1970 Indian Painters, Hamburg, Germany. 1970 Solo exhb.,
Pundole Art Gallery, Bombay. 1970 Solo exhb., Gallery
Chanakya, New Delhi. (Also in 78, 83, 87). 1971 Participated
in 2nd International Triennale, Rabindra Bhavan, Lalit
Kala Akademi, New Delhi. 1972 Inaugural Exhb., Gallerie
Surya, Freinsheim, West Germany. 1973 Solo exhb., Gallery
Chemould, Bombay. 1975 Inaugural Exhb., Grey Art Gallery,
New York University, USA. 1975 Participated in 3rd International
Triennale, Rabindra Bhavan, Lalit Kala Akademi, New
Delhi. 1976
Deutsche Bank (India) Collection, Bombay. Lalit Kala
Akademi, New Delhi. National Gallery of Modern Art,
New Delhi. National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi.
Masanori Fukoka & Glenbarra Art Museum, Hemeji,
Japan. Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal. Ben and Abbey Grey Foundation,
1961-65 Received Yomimuri Shimbum Award. 1963 Award,
Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta. 1964, 68 Award, Annual
Exhb., Bombay Art Society, Bombay. 1969 Yomiuri Shimbun
Award, Tokyo. 1971 Received Maharashtra State Award.
1976 National Award, Lalit Kala Award, New Delhi. 1983-85
Awarded the Residency Fellowship Grant at `Yaddo`. 1990
`Kora Canvas` was published.
Barwe`s early paintings, round about the time he was
living in Tantra oriented Varanasi, had a strong linear
quality. But latter his art provided us with proverbial
shock of recognition. His lines makes us enter into
a linear reality, which is generally abstract in three
dimensional, visual world. This linear aspect of the
formal nature of the reality becomes crystal clear to
us as we observes his art.

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