1965 Exhb., Artistry House, Calcutta. Tata and Iron
Steel Company, Jamshedpur. 1968 He participated in the
Paris Biennale. Had exhb. in Yugoslavia, Romania, Czechoslovakia,
and Hungary. 1968 1st International Triennale, New Delhi.
1969 4th Paris Biennale, Paris. 1970-72 2nd International
Triennale, New Delhi. Participated in the International
Triennale, New Delhi. 1971 Solo Exhb., Doll Series,
Birla Academy of Arts and Culture, Calcutta and Kunika
Chemouold, New Delhi. 1972 Twenty-five years of Indian
Art, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. 1973 Solo Exhb.,
USIS, Calcutta. 1974, 76 Exhb., Gallery Chemould, Bombay.
1977 Solo Exhb., Dhoomimal Art Gallery, New Delhi. 1978
Pictorial Space, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. 1978
New Contemporaries, Bombay. 1981 Indian Painting Today,
Bombay 1982 Festitival of India, London. 1982 Contemporary
India, West Germany. 1982 5th International Triennale,
New Delhi. 1982 Solo exhb., Calcutta Art Gallery, New
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. Lalit Kala
Akademi, New Delhi. Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal. Chandigarh
University Museum, Punjab. National Gallery of Modern
Art, New Delhi. Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. Himachal
Pradesh Vidhan Sabha. Ministry of Education, Govt. of
India, New Delhi. Chester and David Hertwitz Collection,
Boston. Masanori Fukuoka and Glenbarra Art Museum, Hemeji,
1962 Received award from Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta.
1971,72 Received the National Award, Lalit Kala Akademi,
New Delhi. 1972 Received award, Birla Academy of Art
and Culture, Calcutta. 1985 Award, East West Encounter,
Bombay. 1987 Awarded Bangla Ratna, Calcutta. 1988 Awarded
Padma Shree, New Delhi. 1989 Received Shiromani Puraskar.
1990 Nivedita Puraskar, Ramakrishna Vivekananda Ashram.
Bikash Bhattacharjee mostly depicted what he saw around
him but giving it a whole new dimension and existence.
His rendition of an ordinary situation is passionate
and intense, charged with emotions. Bikash not only
enjoyed making portraits from ordinary life but also
painted characters from theatre or films. Everyday happenings
were noted down realistically through art. To him art
has a purpose to reach out to people, and its main aim
is to communicate. He did not believe in abstraction.
He felt like a photojournalist, capturing images, at
times focusing it, at times changing the frame, giving
new angle and at times applying his own perspective.
He mastered the technique of use light. The series called
Durga epitomizes women in all their strength, beauty
and completeness and possessed of the third eye. He
believes this to be his tribute to female power. There
is a touch of humanity in Bikashs paintings.
1968-72 Lecturer, Fine Arts Department, Indian College
of Art and Draftmanship, Calcutta. 1973-82 Lecturer,
Govt. College of Art and Craft, Calcutta.

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