1954 First solo show in Calcutta. 1954,55.56,60 Group
exhb. in Bombay. 1959,60,61,62,65 Solo show in Calcutta.
1963 Group show in Calcutta. 1964 1964 Eight Painters
from Calcutta, AIFACS Gallery, New Delhi. 1965 Group
show in New Delhi. 1962 Exhb. of his Paintings, Art
and Prints Gallery, Calcutta. Joint exhb. with sculptor
Sarbari - Roychowdhury, German Cultural Institute, Max
Muller Bhavan, Calcutta. 1966-1967 Drawings & Rolling
Pictures from India, organised by Ministry of the German
Democratic Republic, German- South East Asian Society
in the German Democratic Republic, Association of Painters
and Sculptors of German, organised in Dresden, Halle,
Madgeburg and then it travelled around other cities
like Berlin and Munich in Germany. 1966 An exhb. of
painting and sculpture, dedicated to the memory of Alberto
Giacometti, Artistry House, Calcutta. 1967 Retrospective
Exhb. (selection from 1950-66), organised by Sm. Bina
Biswas at the Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta.
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. Ebrahim
Alkazi, New Delhi. Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta.ata.
Neville Tuli, Bombay. Jane and Kito de Boer, Dubai.
Mukund and Neerja Lath, Jaipur. Parshant Tulsiyan, Calcutta.
Delhi Art Gallery, New Delhi.
- 1956 The Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, honoured
him with a Gold Medal for being, the best exhibit
in modern art.
He is a realist with strong expressionistic tendencies.
Art for him could not be reduced to terms of aesthetic
sensation alone. He therefore tried to make a subjective
statement that reflects the tragedy of the human condition.
His swirling or swelling figures, both human and animal,
burst the bounds of normal anatomy by sheer force of
Art Lecturer in Mira Institute, Calcutta.

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