1958 Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta. 1969 Asian Graphic
Prints, Travelling Exhibition, USA. Group 8: First All-India
Exhibition of Graphic Arts, New Delhi. 1970 Exhb. of
Indian Art, Texas. 1971 Prints from India, Poland 1972
25 Years of Indian Art, Rabindra Bhavan, Lalit Kala
Akademi, New Delhi. 1976 `Western Pacific Print Biennale`,
Australia. 1978 `Inter-Grafik`, East Germany (Also in
1979, 80, 84). 1980 All India Graphic Exhibition, Chandigarh.
Third World Biennale of Graphics, London and Baghdad.
1981 `Indian Painting Today`, Jehangir Art Gallery,
Bombay. 1981 Kala Yatra, Hyderabad. 1982 Kala Yatra
Exhibition, Bombay, Bangalore, London, Manchester, Paris.
1982 Inaugural exhb., Roopankar Museum of Fine Arts,
Bharat Bhavan Bhopal. National Exhibition, Lalit Kala
Akademi, New Delhi. 1983 Asian Art Biennale, Dacca,
Bangladesh. 1984 Kala Yatra & Sistas, Madras. 1986
VI International Triennale, Rabindra Bhavan, Lalit Kala
Akademi, New Delhi. 1987 `India.
Chitrakoot Art Gallery, Kolkata. Chittagong University
Museum, Bangladesh. Masanori Fukuoka and Glenbarra Museum,
Hemeji. Shilpa Kala Academy, Dhaka. Government College
of Arts, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pratt Graphics Centre, New
York. Mukand & Neerja Lath family Collection, Jaipur.
Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. National Museum of Modern
Art, Baghdad. National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Mr. H. K. Kejriwal
Collection, Bangalore. Delhi Art Gallery, New Delhi.
1958 Gold Medal, Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta. 1968
Rabindra Bharati University Award, Calcutta. 1971 Received
award at All Indian Graphics Shows at Group Eighty,
New Delhi. 1972 Birla Academy of Art and Culture Award,
Calcutta (Also in 1973, 75, 78). 1982 Won the Lalit
Kala Akademi National Award. 1988 Received award at
Karnataka Chitrakala Parishad, Bangalore. 1988 Received
Shiromoni Puraskar, Calcutta.
Shyamal is one of the accomplished watercolourists
of out time. Started his career learning oil painting,
then switched over to watercolour. Despite his mastery
over the technique never comes accross to the viewer
as overriding the picture`s expressional content. He
fashions images out of his direct perception of immediate
1954-56 Teacher, Jagbandhu Institution, Calcutta.

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