Museum, L.K.A Regional Centre, State
Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai. He has won a lot of Grants
& Awards like Fulbright Scholarship-USA in 2002-03,
Charles Wallace Scholarship-UK in 1999, Govt. of India
Junior Fellowship in 1995-96, Lalit Kala Akademi Research
grant-India in 1991-92 & State Award-Chennai-India
in 1997. following are his solo shows, 2005 –
Pundole Art Gallery – Mumbai ,2005- Blindman’s
Profession – Ananat Art Gallery – New Delhi,
2003- ‘Senses’-Gallery Bellevue-Berlin-German,
2003- Memory Compulsions -York Square Gallery-New Havan-Connecticut-USA,
2001-Gallery Bellevue-Berlin-Germany, 2001-'Blindman's
Profession'-(with catalogue) Exhibition of Painting
Books, and Fiber Glass Sculptures- Pundole Art Gallery
Mumbai-India, 2000-'Balloon Man -Exhibition of Painting
Books and Fiber Glass sculptures-The Easel Art Gallery-Chennai-India,
1999-'Neti...Neti....'- Kingston University-UK, 1998-'Kayittraravu'-The
Easel Art Gallery-Chennai-India, 1996-'The Hollow men
The Stuffed Men'-(with catalogue)-The Easel Art Gallery-Chennai-India.
He has had several Group shows including ; Three men
show-Ananat Art Gallery-New Delhi-India in 2004, Navarasa
Show-Curated by Apparoa Galleries-India Habitat Centre-New
Delhi-India in 2002, Inspirationen-Three men show- Museum
fur Indische Kunst-Berlin –Germany in 2001(Sep)
to 2002(Feb), Heads and Tails (two men show with Czech.
sculptor Peter Kavan) -The Easel Art Gallery-Chennai-India
in 2000and National Exhibition of Art-Lalit Kala Akademi-Jaipur-India
in 2000.

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