- 1997 : 13th Annual Art Exhibition, B.K. College
of Art, Bhubaneswar.
- 1998 : 14th Annual Art Exhibition, B.K. College
of Art, Bhubaneswar.
- 1999 : 15th Annual Art Exhibition, B.K. College
of Art, Bhubaneswar. “BARNALI-99” 5th
Rural Art & Craft Exhibition.
- 2000 : 16th Annual Art Exhibition, B.K. College
of Art, Bhubaneswar. 1st State Level Art & Craft
Exhibition organized by Creative School Art &
Crafts, Baripada. 3rd Millennium Art Exhibition, Varanashi,U.P
- 2001 : 17th Annual Art Exhibition, B.K. College
of Art, Bhubaneswar. “SAMSKRITIKI” , Orissa.
“YATRI” Orissa Modern Art Gallery,
- 2002 : 18th Annual Art Exhibition, B.K. College
of Art, Bhubaneswar..
Media of Choice
Oil, acrylic, watercolor,pastel
Other Information
Trust for?AWARDS Regeneration of Environment and Economy
(TREE), Bhubaneswar, sponsored by ORHDC B.K. College?
World Environment Day 5th June 2001 Govt. of Orissa.
?and HUDCO of Art & B.K. College of Art?Craft award,
2001. & ?Craft award, 1998 Preventive Conservation
of Oil Paintings sponsored by Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra

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