Artist Profile |
Jehangir Jani
- 2007 – Peers, Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda.
- 2006 – Peers, Gallery Espace, New Delhi, Kalakriti,
- 2004 - Portraits, Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2002 - 2003 - Lazarus and Anarkali, Jehangir Art
Gallery, Gallery Chemould, Mumbai,
- Karnataka Chitrakala Parishat, Bangalore, Gallery
88, Kolkatta.
- 2000 - Stories, Gallery Chemould, Mumbai
- 1998 - Fairie Tales…A Relook, Fine Art Resource,
Jehangir Art Gallery
- 1994 - A Point of View, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
- 1992 - Recent Works, Fine Art Resource, Jehangir
Art Gallery, Mumbai
- 1991 - Bhakti, Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai
- 1990 - Different One, Arressa Art Gallery, Mumbai
Selected Exhibitions
- 2006 – Human Figure, Gallery Threshold, New
Delhi, curated by Marta Jakimowicz
- 2006 – Avatars of the Object, curated by Nancy
Adajania, Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2006 _ Inaugural Show, Gallery Sumukha, Bangalore,
- 2005 – Kalalghoda Festival, Gallery Chemould,
- 2005 – Still Waters Run Deep, Hacienda Gallery,
Mumbai, curated by Jasmine Shah Varma.
- 2004 – Iconography in Transient Times, India
Habitat Centre, New Delhi, curated ny Marta Jakimowicz.
- 2003 – Ways of Resisting -1992-2002, Rabindra
Bhavan, New Delhi, curated by Vivan Sundaram.
- 2002 - Mela, Jehangir Art Gallery, curated by RPG
- 2002 - Surviving Picasso, Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai
- 2001 - Bodied Self, Sans Tache Art Gallery, Mumbai,
curated by Ranjit Hoskote >>>
- 2001 - Another Look At, Gallery Chemould/ Kalaghoda
Festival, Mumbai
- 2001 - Body Dialogue, Primary Colours, Mumbai
- 2001 - Art On The Move, SAHMAT, Delhi, Mumbai
- 2000 - The Pink Sun, [Making an Entrance], curated
by Ranjit Hoskote, National Gallery of Modern Art,
- 2000 - Extreme Gourmet, Lakeeren, Indigo, Mumbai
- 2000 - Anonymous, British Council, Lakeeren, Mumbai
- 2000 - Group Show, Fine Art Company, Mumbai
- 1999 - Wallpaper, Lakeeren, Mumbai.
- 1999 - Creative Process, The Guild Art Gallery,
- 1999 - Works on Paper, Fine Art Resource, Pavement
Gallery, Kalaghoda, Mumbai.
- 1999 - Watermark, Fine Art Resource, Jehangir Art
Gallery, Mumbai.
- 1998 - Art Access Week, Birla Academy of Art &
Culture, Mumbai.
- 1998 - SPIN, Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
- 1998 - Miniature Format Show, Sans Tache, Mumbai.
- 1998 - Art for Ashraya, Dubai, Bangalore.
- 1997 - Gift For India, curated by SAHMAT, New Delhi,
and Mumbai
- 1997 - Ashraya, Bangalore.
- 1997 - Art Access Week, Birla Academy of Art &
Culture, Mumbai. :
- 1996 - 12 Indian Contemporary Painters, Fine Art
Resource, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 1995 - Bombay, curated by RPG, Jehangir Art Gallery,
- 1995 - Contemporary Miniatures, The Arts Trust,
Gallerie Leela, Mumbai.
- 1995 - Art For Heart’s Sake, Save The Children
Fund, Nehru Centre, Mumbai
Workshops/ Camps
- 2006 - Moebius, Sculpture Camp, Hospet, Bangalore
- 2006 – Fluid Signs, Dakshinachitra, Chennai
- 2005 – Krishnakriti by Ranjit Hoskote for
Kalakriti, Hyderabad.
- 2004 – The Arts Trust Annual Camp, Mumbai.
- 2003 – Khoj, International Workshop, Bangalore.
- 2003 – Residency with Fine Art Resource, Berlin,
- 2003 – Visiting Lecturer at the Ecole Des
Beaux Arts, Paris, France.
- 2001 - Artists Outdoors, Birla Academy of Fine Arts,
- 2001 - International Sculptor’s Residency,
JACIC, Mumbai.
- 2000 - Monsoon Magic, Gallerie Leela/Hotel Leela
Palace, Goa.
- 1997 - The Painter’s Workshop, Indo- Australian
Conference, Mumbai.
- 1993 - Shakti, The Arts Trust/ RPG, Mumbai.

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