
Artist Profile |
Born in New Delhi. Lives and works in New Delhi.
- 1992-96 Graduated from Deptt. of Fine Arts, Jamia
Millia Islamia University, New Delhi.
- 1999 Diploma in computer aided Graphic Design, ZED
Career Academy, New Delhi.
- 1998-2000 Certificate Program in Studio Art, University
of California, Berkley, San Francisco.
- 1995 Solo exhb., Private Show, New Delhi.
- 1997 Solo exhb., ANZ Grindlays Bank, New Delhi.
- 1999 Group exhb., Modern Primitive Gallery Art Gallery,
- 2000 Group exhb. Roy G. Biv Gallery, Columbus.
- 2000 Solo exhb., Kala Art Gallery, San Francisco.
- 2000 Solo exhb., Vis--vis Art and Design Centre,
New Delhi
- 2001 Solo exhb., Art Inc., New Delhi.
- 2001 Paradox, Apparao Gallery, Chennai.
- 2002 Indelible Imprints, Art Inc., New Delhi.
- 2003 The Embryo, Ant Inc., New Delhi.
- 2004 The Embryo, Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2005-06 Narrative Ikons.
- Delhi Art Gallery, New Delhi.
- 1990, 93, 94 , 95 Shankar Painting Competetion,
National and Delhi State Level Awards, New Delhi.
- 1992-1996 University Merit Scholarship, Jamia Millia
Islamia, New Delhi.
- 1998-2000 Nehru Research Associate, Jawahar Lal
Nehru Trust, New Delhi.
- 2000-2002 Junior Research Fellowship, Deptt. of
Culture, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
1992-99 Taught at M.I. Interiors, New Delhi. 2000
Taught mixed media painting, University of California,
Berkley, San Fransisco. 1999-2000 Teaching assistant,
Studio Art, Berkley Art Studio.
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