Artist Profile |
Krishna Pulkundwar
Date of Birth : 3rd March 1971, Kandhar
1991 B.F.A. (Applied Art) with "First in the
Order of Merit" from Govt. School of Art, Aurangabad.
Work Experience
Presently working as a Teaching Faculty of Sir J.
J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai.
- 2007 Time and Space, art Gallery, Bangalore.
- 2006 Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2005 Legacy Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2003 Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 1999 Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai.
- 2007 Jamaat, Mumbai.
- 2007 Indraprastha Art Gallery, New Delhi.
- 2006 Art Mosaic, Singapore.
- 2006 Legacy Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2006,05,04 The Bombay Art Society.
- 2006 Camelart Foundation 9th Western Region Exhibition
Professional category.
- 2006,04,02 'Chatak' a Monsoon show organised by
Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2006,05,04,03 Annual Members' Show of Artists Centre,
- 2006 to 1994 Maharashtra State Art Exhibitions,
Professional Category.
- 2005,04,03 The Art Society of India.
- 2005,03 Lokmanya Tilak Art Exhibition, Pune.
- 2005,04,03 Annual Monsoon Show by Bajaj Art Gallery,
- 2003 The Hyderabad Art Society.
- 2003 South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur.
- 2003,02 All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society,
New Delhi (Maharashtra State Exhibition).
Honors & Awards
- 2006 Maharashtra State Art Exhibition Professional
- 2001,1999 National Literacy Mission, New Delhi.
- 2000 Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay.
- 1998 Maharashtra State, Department of Health Services.
- 1998 The Hindustan Times, New Delhi.
- 1997 Maharashtra State Art Exhibition Professional
- 1995 National Open School, New Delhi.
- 1991 GOLD MEDAL in National Youth Festival held
at Madurai Kamraj University.
- 1991 GOLD MEDAL in Zonal Youth Festival held at
Banaras Hindu University.

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