- 1993, 1994 – All India Arts Exhibitions (Bangalore)
- 1993 – Lalit Kala Academy Exhibitions ( Bangalore)
- 1993 – "Prints Today" All India
Print Exhibition (Bangalore)
- 1995 – Welcom Group Vadodara ( Baroda)
- 1997 – Inaugural Show (Gallerie, Mareechika),
Times Group, Cochin
- 1999 – "The Harmony Show" (Bombay)
- 1994 – 96 Karnataka State Lalitakala Academy
- 1994 – Rajkumar Kejriwal Student Scholarship
A young artist like Krishnaraj adapts his visual language
like many of his precursors who have dipped their brushes
in the surrealistic and expressionistic palette. His
fragmented tableau of a barren landscape is a background,
which has elements of a dramatic film-set, vast emptiness
of mountains, ruins or the sea – archetypal romantic
landscape elements. This vista is lit by dramatic artificial
light, to highlight the mysterious and the unknown.
His heliographic narratives are fragments, condensed
episodes of climatic moments performed by an anti-heroid
figure moored in the tableau,
the body is cropped, a part represents the whole. The
artist attempts to achieve much while economising, the
epic is reduced to a haiku. His inspiration is culled
from the deepest recesses of his "I" and is
related to his conscience. In a world of common experiences,
one digs into oneself into those personal reminiscences
jotted down in a personal diary.
The images are autobiographical, its ingredients are
shamanistic, and the erotic co-exists with the eerie
in magical harmony to enact playful, whimsical and ceremonial
scripts. This apocalyptic draws from the popular narrative,
magic, dreams and attributes from daily life. The aftermath
of war or disaster leaves traces of human presences.
Vulnerability and hope triumph heroically. These recurring
images appear constantly from the realm of the sub-conscious
and he assimilates these ambiguities into his artistic
enquiry. It is an endless process to search for new
surprises in this unknown maze.

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