Born August 16, 1944.
Did a Government Certificate in Drawing in Tanjavur,
then earned a GD First Class, First Rank from the Government
College of Arts and Crafts, Chennai. From 1963-5 Suriyamoorthy
was a State Lalit Kala Akademi Scholar, then from 1965-68
he was a National Scholar at MS Baroda University under
KG Subramanian and M. Jyothi Bhat.
- 1999 International Biographical Centre, Cambridge,
- 1994 All India Kalidas Exhibition, Ujjain, Madhya
- 1992 First Indian Drawing Biennale, Chandigarh
- 1991-2 Sri SH Daya Fellowship, Mumbai
- 1989-91 Senior Fellowship, Government of India,
Department of Culture
- 1989 Christian Association of Asia, Japan
- 1965 Governor's Award, Uttar Pradesh
- 1965-99 AIFACS
- Many other awards over the years from various organizations
throughout India
- 1998 International Art Exhibition, Romania
- 1995 18th International Exhibition of Prints, Kannagana
- 1994 International Poster Exhibition, Mexico
- 1993-4 Biennale Van De Kleingratiek, Sinj-Niklas
- 1992 3rd Biennale International Pastel Exhibition,
- 1990 International Association of Art, UNESCO, New
- 1987, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995 & 1997 International
Biennale, Bulgaria
- 1985 International Collectors' Art Exhibition at
Salvador Dali's residence, Spain
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi; Lalit Kala
Akademi, New Delhi; Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai; Academy
of Fine Arts, Calcutta; Government Museum, Chandigarh;
Tamilnad Archaeological Department; Government Museum,
Chennai; Government Museum, Hyderabad; Chitra Kala Parishad,
Says the artist, "I have evolved my own style
which is unique by itself. You could describe it as
a one-man movement. In my view each artist can do what
he thinks ought to. I have never copied any old master,
never followed any ism - in fact, it will be difficult
for me to copy any one of my own works, the Brahmaputra,
the Ganges, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Cauvery
as also the Abhishekam waters from various temples for
the purpose of painting. These have been the sources
of the pigments I use. After my father's death, most
of the medicines - he was a Siddha practitioner - were
in disuse. So I mixed the various ingredients to achieve
the colours I desired - ground sea shells to derive
the white, used natural gum from the trees in my garden
and collected waters from all the major rivers in India.
I am not good at verbal expression. Anyway let me explain
my method and materials. I mean the formula follow,
based on the use of natural resources, i.e., water,
sea shells, tree barks, etc., - the formula I have evolved
over many years of experimentation is not a common one.
My works will retain their painterly qualities - colour
and brightness - for more than half a century. I repeat,
I am not good at verbal expression and I sometimes hesitate
when thinking of a word. I can't make a speech. But
in art I can have my say. I hope viewers read their
feelings into my pictures - it will be creative experience
for them too. If I strike a chord, they will answer
it". Government Certificate in Drawing, Thanjavur,1960
GD First Class, First Rank, Government College of Arts
and Crafts, Chennai, 1963 State Lalit Kala Akademi Scholar,
1963 - 1965 National Scholar at the MS University, Baroda,1965-1968
Senior Fellowship, Government of India (Department of
Culture) '89-'91 Sri SH Daya Fellowship, Mumbai, 1991
- 1992. Awards & Prizes 1990 - 1991 : From various
organisations at Bhopal, Chennai, Mysore, Raipur and
Vijayawada 1994 : All India Kalidas Exhibition, Ujjain,
Madhya Pradesh 1992 : First Indian Drawing Biennale,
Chandigarh 1997 : Major Art Trends in India since 1947,
Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. 1999 - International
Biograhical Centre Cambrigde England - Prestigious Award,
20th Century and fortry seven other awards in Drawings,
Paintings, Graphics and Ceramics

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