
19/09/1894 - 22/07/1948

Artist Profile |
Born in Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. 1911 Decorated the
gates to welcome King George V, on his visit to India.
1919 Founded, Indian Academy of Fine Art, along with
Jogeshchandra Seal, Jamini Roy, Bhabani Charan Law and
Atul Bose, Calcutta. 1931 Maharaja of Kashmir invited
him to live and paint in Kashmir. 1932-38 Court Artist
of Maharaja of Patiala. Published the journal, Shilpi,
which was co-published by A.C. Mukhopadhyay. Indian
Academy of Fine Art published an album, Indian Masters,
where some of his paintings were published. Painted,
Cure of all Ills, during his illness, depicting Mahatma
Gandhi spinning thread.
- 1910 Joined Govt. School of Art, Calcutta.
- 1911-15 Studied at Jubilee Art School, Calcutta.
- 1921 Bombay Art Exhb., Bombay.
- 1921 Exhb., Madras.
- 1922 Exhb., Barna Jhankar, Madras.
- 1923 Exhb., Kardame Kamal, Bombay.
- Exhb., Eden Gardens, Calcutta.
- 1939 Exhb., New Delhi.
- 1940 Exhb., Chowringee Terrace, inaugurated by Queen
of Coochbehar, Calcutta.
- 1948 All India Exhb., Calcutta.
- 1951 Exhb., Eden Garden, Calcutta.
- 2004 Manifestations II, organised by Delhi Art Gallery,
Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai and Delhi Art Gallery,
New Delhi.
- 2005 Manifestations III, organised by Delhi Art
Gallery, Nehru Center, Mumbai and Lalit Kala Akademi,
New Delhi.
- Academy of Fine Art, Kolkata.
- Bikaner Palace, Rajasthan.
- Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata.
- National Gallery Modern Art, New Delhi.
- Royal family, Mayurbhanj.
- Maharaja Prafulla Thakur.
- Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
- Maharaja Hari Singh.
- Maharaja Jadabendranath Singh.
- 1921, 22 First Prize, Bombay Art Exhb., Bombay.
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