K K |


Artist Profile |
Raghava K K
Date of Birth: 5th October 1980
Solo Painting Shows
- 2006-January-Ashvita Gallery, Chennai, India
- 2006-October-‘Affairs’--Chitra Kala
Parishat—Bangalore, India
- 2006-June-Department of Energy, Government of Denmark—Copenhagen,
- 2006-June-Copenhagen Business School—Copenhagen,
- 2006-May-‘New Works’-as a part of Standard
Chartered Bank’s ‘Art as Investment’
workshop-Taj Residency — Bangalore, India
- 2006-April-‘Recent Works’-Ashvita Gallery--
Chennai, India
- 2006-April-‘UTSAHA’-Taj Coromandel--
Chennai, India
- 2006-March-ARTANA Gallery-- Brookline, MA, USA
- 2005-November-Time and Space Art Gallery-Bangalore,
- 2005-October-San Jose Convention Center, San Jose,
CA, USA—exhibition of watercolors on canvas--Featured
artist at the American India Foundation Gala
- 2005-May-Palo Alto, CA, USA
- 2005-February-“Art in Motion’-Windsor
Manor—Bangalore, India
- 2004-December-‘Atypical Attitudes’-Ashvita
Gallery—Chennai, India
- 2004-October- ARTANA Gallery-Brookline, MA, USA
- 2004- June- The Gallery at the Courtyard (Ashish
Balram Nagpal Gallery)- Mumbai, India
- 2003-December- Ashvita Gallery- Chennai, India
- 2003- October- Thakur’s- Acton, MA, USA
- 2003- May- ‘Tactile Symphony’- Taj Residency-
Bangalore, India
- 2002- December- Sriram’s- Lexington, MA, USA
- 2002- October- Rotary House of Friendship- Bangalore,
- 2002- Royal Orchid Park Plaza- Bangalore, India
- 2002-August- Wayland Manor- Providence, RI, USA
- 2002- February- ‘Help-Ed Trust’- Bangalore,
- 2001- Intel Bangalore- Bangalore, India
- 1999- Indian Embassy- Washington, D.C., USA
- 1999- Indian Embassy- Rome, Italy
Group Shows
- 2006-January-‘Young Masters’—Art
Chamber, Galeria de Belas Artes—Goa, India
- 2006-November-‘Contemporary Christian Art
in India’ - Archbishop’s Palace—Goa,
- 2006-August-‘1001 Art Money’--Øksnehallen
Gallery— Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2006-June-Time and Space Art Gallery—Bangalore,
- 2006-May-‘Buddha Show’--Time and Space
Art Gallery— Bangalore India
- 2006-May-‘The Art of Investment’—Ashvita
Gallery—Chennai, India
- 2006-April/May-‘Spectra’—Time
and Space Art Gallery— Bangalore, India
- 2006-April/May-Mahua Art Gallery-- Bangalore, India
- 2006-April-‘Spectra’--Gallery Katayun—Calcutta,
- 2006-February-March—‘Spectra’—Art
World Gallery—Chennai, India
- 2005-December-Mumbai, India
- 2005-December-“The Essence of India,”
Mahua Art Gallery-Bangalore, India
- 2005-October-‘Indian Contemporary Art’-Ashvita
Gallery-Chennai, India
- 2004-July- Ashvita Gallery- Chennai, India
- 2003- November- ‘Meditations on Ganapathi’-
Chicago, IL, USA
- 2002- ‘Kaleidoscope of Colors’- Gallery
Katayun-Calcutta, India- along with Ram Kumar,
- Laxma Gaud, Krishen Khanna, Ravi Kumar Kashi and
Bhupen Khakar.
- 2002- Peck Gallery- Providence, RI, USA-along with
various New England Artists
- 2000- ‘Set a Child Free’- Renaissance
Art Gallery- Bangalore, India- along with Milind Nayak
- 2000- Gallery Zen- Bangalore, India- along with
Milind Nayak
- 2000- Ambassador’s Residence- Paris, France-along
with S.H. Raza, Shakti Burman, Velu Vishwanathan,
and others
Art Auctions/Charity Shows
- 2006 Auction in aid of Bangalore Habba—The
Taj West End—Bangalore, India
- 2006 ‘Art for Concern’—Bangalore,
- 2006 ‘Kala 4 Vidya’—Rotary House
of Friendship
- 2006 ‘Art for a Cause’—in support
of Foundation for Restoring Human Dignity (FORHD)—Bangalore,
- 2005 ‘Annual Art Auction’—Indo
American Arts Council, New York, NY
- 2005 Auction in aid of CRY—New York, NY
- 2004 Lincoln Center, NY, USA—conducted by
Christie’s, curated by the Indo American Arts
- 2004 ‘Summer Gala Auction’- Queens Museum-
Queens, NY, USA
- 2004 ‘Art for Education’-Time and Space
Art Gallery- Bangalore, India
- 2003 'Art for a Cause"-in support of the Foundation
for Restoring Human Dignity (FORDH)
- 2003 Auction in support of Concern India Foundation
- 2003 Auction by the Women's Overseas Club of Bangalore
in support of various charities
- 2001 Special Olympics celebrity evening- Bangalore,
- 2000 ASHA - AIDS foundation – Bangalore, India
- 2000 The Indian Embassy – Rome, Italy
- 1999 The Renaissance Art Gallery – Bangalore,
- 1999 The Taj Residency – Bangalore, India
- 1999 'Contemporary Indian Art in Paris' - Indian
Ambassador's Residence – Paris, France
- 1998 'Mahatma Gandhi' - Karnataka Government Information
Division – Bangalore, India
- 1998 The Hindustan Times Cartoon competition - All
metropolitan cities in India.
- 1998 Karnataka Cartoonist's Association group exhibition
– Dharwad, India
- 1998 Yavanika Gallery – Bangalore, India
- 1998 'PEACE' Alliance Francais de Bangalore –Bangalore,
- 1997 Yavanika Gallery – Bangalore, India

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