1954 Philadelphia Print Club, Philadelphia, USA. 1955
Salon de la Realities Nou velles, Paris. 1960 Galerie
von Hulsen, Leeuwarden, Holland. 1960, 63 International
Biennale of Prints, Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio. 1962
Galerie 62, Klagenfurt, Austria. 1964 Galerie Agnes
LeFort, Montreal, Canada. 1971 Contemporaries Gallery,
Sacramento USA. 1972 Keller Gallery, Goslar, West Germany.
1973 State Academy of Fine Arts, Hyderabad. 1977 Gallery
Weintraub, New York and Houghton Gallery, New York.
1977, 78 `50 Years of Atelier 17`, Retrospective, Brooklyn
Museum, New York. 1980, 82 `Innovations in Intalglio`:
Atelier 17 & S.W.Hayter. 1981-82 Retrospective,
Bronx Museum of Arts, New York. 1988 Takoaka Minicipal
Museum of Art & Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo. 1991
`National Exposition of Contemporary Art`, National
Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. 2000 Solo exhb., 28th
Annual Southern Graphics Council Conference Printmaking
Emeritus Award Exhb., University of Miami New Gallery,
Albertine Museum, Vienna. Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York. Bibliothque Nationale de Paris, Paris. Library
of Congress, Washington D.C.. Madison Art center, Madison,
USA. MoMA, Ljubljana. MoMA, New York. MoMA, Stuttgart.
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. National
Gallery, Washington D.C. National Gallery of Ottawa,
Canada. National Gallery of Victoria, Australia. Tuli
Family Collection, Mumbai. British Museum, London. Chicago
Art Institute, Chicago. Victoria and Albert Museum,
London. Bangalore Museum, Bangalore. Delhi Art Gallery,
New Delhi.
1972 Received Padma Shri. Received approximately 75
awards, including the inauguration of a permanent print
gallery in the Museum, Bangalore.
Reddy`s works are not narrations but revelations of
nature and its hidden living processes. His art shares
this similarity of process with nature, its attributes
of inner workings and gradual growth. He is an internationally
acclaimed artist, primarily a printmaker and sculptor.
1947-49 Head of the Deptt., College of Fine Arts,
Kalakshetra, Madras. 1964-76 Co-Director and Professor,
Atelier 17, Paris. 1970 Taught at The University of
Wisconsin. 1977 Professor, Artist in Residence and Director,
Dept. of Graphics and Printmaking, New York University,
New York.

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