Artist Profile |
Samvedana Vaishya
Born in Gujrat.
Educational Qualification & Certifications
Diploma in Painting with Distinction (Sheth C. N.
College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad) 2003
Diploma in Commercial Art with Distinction (Sheth C.N.
College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad) 1996
D.T.P. (Desk Top Publishing)
- Year 2006
- 5th Egyptian International Print, Trinnale, Cairo
- “Monsoon Show” organized by the Bajaj
Art Gallery, Mumbai
G.S.L.K.A. (Gujarat State Lalitkala Akademy) at Sri
Ravishankar Raval Kala Bhavan, AHmedabad
- Year 2005
- “Monsoon Show” organized by the Bajaj
Art Gallery, Mumbai(Invited Artist)
- Graphic Print exhibited in the Art Exhibition at
- Painting exhibition orgainsed jointly by BCA gallery
and Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce at Bajaj Art
Gallery, Mumbai
- Painting exhibition orgainsed jointly by BCA gallery
and Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce at Milan, Italy
- G.S.L.K.A. (Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy) at
Sri Ravishankar Raval Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
- Year 2004
- Exhibition of Paintings organized by A.M.C. at Sanskar
Kendra, Ahmedabad
- G.S.L.K.A. (Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy) at
Sri Ravishankar Raval Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
- Year 2003
- 4th Egyptian International Print Trinnale, Cairo
- G.S.L.K.A. (Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy) at
Sri Ravishankar Raval Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
- Year 2002
- A.I.F.A.C.S. (All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society
of India) at Ravishankar Raval Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
- G.S.L.K.A. (Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy) at
Sri Ravishankar Raval Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
Group Shows
- 2006 Group Show of paintings at L & P Hutheesing
Visual Art Centre, Ahmedabad
- 2005 Group Show of paitings organized as a part
of wings theatre workshop at L & P Hutheesing
Visual Arts Centre, Ahmedabad
- 2005 Group Show of Paintings at Bajaj Art Gallery,
- 2004 Group Show of Paintings at the Contemporary
Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
- 2004 Group Show of Paintings at Gujarat Samachar
Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
- 2003 Group Show of Paintings at the L. & P.
Hutheesingh Visual Art Centre, Ahmedabad
- 2001 Group Show of Miniature Paintings at Sheth
C. N. College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad
- 1996 Group Show of Commercial Work at Sheth C.N.
College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad
- 1995 Group Show of Drawings done during our Ajanta-Ellora
Camp at Sheth C.N.College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad
Solo Show
- 2004 Solo Show of Paintings at the Contemporary
Art Gallery, Ahmedabad
- 2005 Painting cum Exhibition on 100 feet long canvas
on the theme of health and safety of Construction
Site Labourers on the eve of World Human Rights Day
organized by Bandhkam Mazdoor Sangathan
- 2004 On the Spot Painting event on 15th August orgainised
by The Gujarat Visual Young Artist Association, Ahmedabad
- 2003 On the Spot Painting event on 15th August orgainised
by The Gujarat Visual Young Artist Association, Ahmedabad
- 2002 On the Spot Painting event on 15th August orgainised
by The Gujarat Visual Young Artist Association, Ahmedabad
- 2002 Participated in Collage Competition organized
by All India Dental Association
- 2001 Reliance Vaishvik Chitra Sarjan around Kankaria
Lake, Ahmedabad
- 2000 Participated in Creative Campus for T.B. Control
initiated by the Government of Gujarat
- Theatre workshop conducted by Mr. Saumya Joshi
at H.K. Arts College, Ahemdabad
- Metal Scrap workshop at Kanoria Art Centre, Ahmedabad
- Painting workshop organized on the eve of world
heritage day at Desai ni Pole, Kadia Ahmedabad
- Handicraft workshop conducted by the Aakar Academy
at Sanskar Kendra, Ahmedabad
- One-day workshop at Eklavya School, Ahemdabad
- Tie n Die workshop organized by The Weavers Service
Centre at Sheth C. N. College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad
- Calligraphy workshop at Kanoria Art Centre, Ahmedabad
- 2002 Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy Award in
- 2002 5th Purusharth Gaurav Award
- 2001 Bronze Medal for Collage conducted by All India
Dental Association
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