1928 Annual Exhb., Nainital Art Club, Nainital. 1933-34
Annual Exhb., Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta. 1944 Annual
Exhb., Bihar Silpakala Parishad, Patna. 1945, 46, 47
Annual Art Exhb., Bombay. 1946 Solo exhb., International
Contemporary Art Exhb., Calcutta. 1948 17th Annual Exhb.,
AIFACS, New Delhi. 1952 Exhb. organised by Academy of
Fine Arts, USA. 1952 Exhb., Cairo, Istanbul, Ankara
and Baghdad. 1953 Exhb., Russia, Poland and West Germany.
1954 All India Art Exhb. organised by All India Peace
Council. 1955 Silver Jubilee Exhb., AIFACS, New Delhi.
1956 All India Exhb. of Works of Art and Photographs
of Wildlife, New Delhi. 1958 Exhb., Bulgaria. 1960 Solo
exhb., Calcutta. 1961 Exhb., Cuba and New York. 1970
Solo exhb., Alberta. 1972 Solo exhb., Surrey Art Gallery,
British Columbia. 1995 Old Masters, Taj Palace Intercontinental,
New Delhi. 1998 Famed Yesteryears and Contemporary Indian
Artists- 1857-1997, WWF and Art Konsult, New Delhi.
2002 Exhb.
AIFACS, New Delhi. National Gallery of Modern Art,
New Delhi. Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. Ministry of
Defence, Govt of India, New Delhi. Delhi Art Gallery,
New Delhi.
Awarded Govt. Scholarship, Govt. School of Art, Calcutta.
1928-29 First Prize, Annual Exhb., Nainital Art Club,
Nainital. 1933-34 First Prize, Academy of Fine Arts,
Calcutta. 1945, 46, 47 First Prize, Annual Exhb., Bombay
Art Society, Bombay. 1949 Awarded Governor Generals
Plaque, 18th Annual All India Art Exhb., AIFACS, New
One of the early Indian modernists, Abani Sen remained
till the end an unswerving individualist, daring experimenter
and a dedicated teacher. The various inflections of
realism we find in Daumier, Czanne and Van Gogh, and
the techniques of modern art, were all internalized
and indigenized by him. His masterly handling of different
media shows ceaseless interaction between the indigenous
and the alien, the past and the present.
1948 Art Teacher, Raisina High School and Sarada Ukil
School of Art, New Delhi.

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